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Go red for FASD awareness this September

This September we’re encouraging Australians to wear red shoes or socks throughout the month, to spark conversations and create an understanding about this largely invisible and preventable disability.

Meet our Official Shoe Partner

We’ve partnered with ethical Australian shoe brand, TWOOBS as our official shoe partner to amplify the campaign across the country.

Rock your
Red Shoes

Wear red shoes or socks during September and take a video or photo holding one of our signs, which you can download from our resources page.

Share your photo on social media on 9 September, with the hashtags #FASD and #RedShoesRock to show your support.

Don’t forget to tag and follow us on:

#FASDMonth2024 #EveryonePlaysaPart #RedShoesRock

#FASDMonth2024 #EveryonePlaysaPart #RedShoesRock

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Today is the FINAL day to get your photos in, they must be submitted before noon (12:00 PM). Posters are up in all communities listed below. We can't wait to draw two winners!! #RedShoesRock

Northwestern Health Unit KCA NBDS Program KACL Ontario Native Women's Association (ONWA) WAASEGIIZHIG NANAANDAWE'IYEWIGAMIG Kenora Chiefs Advisory

Today is the FINAL day to get your photos in, they must be submitted before noon (12:00 PM). Posters are up in all communities listed below. We can`t wait to draw two winners!! #RedShoesRock

Northwestern Health Unit KCA NBDS Program KACL Ontario Native Women`s Association (ONWA) WAASEGIIZHIG NANAANDAWE`IYEWIGAMIG Kenora Chiefs Advisory

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FASD Awareness Month - 

One of the things that makes FASD so challenging and confounding is what we call a “scattered profile”. What that means is that one day an individual is able to do something and the next day, they just can’t. This could be anything from cleaning their room to doing homework. There are so many factors that influence how our kids days go… Did they get enough sleep? Did they eat a good breakfast or eat at all that day? Did something happen at school? The list is endless. Our kids brains work so hard just to hold it together, they need additional recovery time. So one day, when their brains are rested, they’ve eaten well and are fueled, they can learn, clean their room or make dinner. And the next day or week, they just can’t.  Their brains are overwhelmed and overstimulated and they can’t access what they know. IQ measures what an individual knows and EQ measures what they do with what they know. When calm and regulated, our kids know the rules and can repeat them. When they are overwhelmed they can’t access what they know even though before or after the event, they can tell you what the rule is. To the uninformed, it looks like refusal or defiance, and it’s not. It’s their brain and the way it works. 

So parents who understand the scattered profile may appear to be allowing their children to “get away” with something, but in reality, they are accommodating a brain that works differently. They aren’t spoiling their child, they aren’t lazy parents, they are Extreme Parents… Super Moms and Dads, doing really hard work. And they deserve the support of family and friends, not their judgement 💞

#FASD #FASDAwarenessMonth #FASDDay2024 #redshoesrock #cantnotwont #symptomsnotbehaviours

Post credit:Laurie Anderson
Image credit: FASD Success

FASD Awareness Month –

One of the things that makes FASD so challenging and confounding is what we call a “scattered profile”. What that means is that one day an individual is able to do something and the next day, they just can’t. This could be anything from cleaning their room to doing homework. There are so many factors that influence how our kids days go… Did they get enough sleep? Did they eat a good breakfast or eat at all that day? Did something happen at school? The list is endless. Our kids brains work so hard just to hold it together, they need additional recovery time. So one day, when their brains are rested, they’ve eaten well and are fueled, they can learn, clean their room or make dinner. And the next day or week, they just can’t. Their brains are overwhelmed and overstimulated and they can’t access what they know. IQ measures what an individual knows and EQ measures what they do with what they know. When calm and regulated, our kids know the rules and can repeat them. When they are overwhelmed they can’t access what they know even though before or after the event, they can tell you what the rule is. To the uninformed, it looks like refusal or defiance, and it’s not. It’s their brain and the way it works.

So parents who understand the scattered profile may appear to be allowing their children to “get away” with something, but in reality, they are accommodating a brain that works differently. They aren’t spoiling their child, they aren’t lazy parents, they are Extreme Parents… Super Moms and Dads, doing really hard work. And they deserve the support of family and friends, not their judgement 💞

#FASD #FASDAwarenessMonth #FASDDay2024 #redshoesrock #cantnotwont #symptomsnotbehaviours

Post credit:Laurie Anderson
Image credit: FASD Success

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#FASDMonth2024 #redshoesrock #redshoesrockfasd #sarniaontario

#FASDMonth2024 #redshoesrock #redshoesrockfasd #sarniaontario

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All are welcome to the Hazhǫ Ełexè Łets’eèzhe Community Drum Dance at NUP on Sunday September 22nd from 6:30PM-8:30PM. 

 We encourage everyone to wear red in support of FASD Awareness Month and learn about this year’s theme - everyone plays a part. 

#Hazhǫ Ełexè Łets’eèze #collectiveimpact #redshoesrock #fasdawareness

All are welcome to the Hazhǫ Ełexè Łets’eèzhe Community Drum Dance at NUP on Sunday September 22nd from 6:30PM-8:30PM.

We encourage everyone to wear red in support of FASD Awareness Month and learn about this year’s theme – everyone plays a part.

#Hazhǫ Ełexè Łets’eèze #collectiveimpact #redshoesrock #fasdawareness

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🌟 Exciting news! Here are some of the amazing activities and events happening this month as part of the #HazhǫEłexèŁets’eèzhe program! Don’t miss out on these opportunities to connect with our community and culture. Mark your calendars and join us for a month full of fun and learning! 🌿🎉

Activities and events for September:
1. FASD Awareness - Fix and Customize your Shoes Workshop at MakerSpace YK 
2. Fall Gathering for Community Partners and Youth
3. Tlicho Language Learning Course on the Land kicks off at Arctic Indigenous Wellness Camp 
4. Painting Workshop with artist John Rombough
5. “Wear red” Drum Dance for FASD Awareness Month 
6. Beading Circle Meet & Greet at the Tree of Peace 
7. Human Library event to learn more about FASD and how everyone plays a part 

#HazhǫEłexèŁets’eèzhe #yellowknifeyouthprogram #yellowknifeyouth #redshoesrock #fasdawareness

🌟 Exciting news! Here are some of the amazing activities and events happening this month as part of the #HazhǫEłexèŁets’eèzhe program! Don’t miss out on these opportunities to connect with our community and culture. Mark your calendars and join us for a month full of fun and learning! 🌿🎉

Activities and events for September:
1. FASD Awareness – Fix and Customize your Shoes Workshop at MakerSpace YK
2. Fall Gathering for Community Partners and Youth
3. Tlicho Language Learning Course on the Land kicks off at Arctic Indigenous Wellness Camp
4. Painting Workshop with artist John Rombough
5. “Wear red” Drum Dance for FASD Awareness Month
6. Beading Circle Meet & Greet at the Tree of Peace
7. Human Library event to learn more about FASD and how everyone plays a part

#HazhǫEłexèŁets’eèzhe #yellowknifeyouthprogram #yellowknifeyouth #redshoesrock #fasdawareness

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Immer am 9. September wird weltweit auf die Fetale Alkoholspektrumstörung (FASD) aufmerksam gemacht – und zwar bereits seit 1999.

FASD ist eine lebenslange Behinderung. Sie entsteht, wenn das Gehirn eines Kindes bereits vor seiner Geburt durch die toxigenen Bestandteile von Alkohol dauerhaft verändert wird.

Im englischsprachigen Raum wird der 9. September als FASD Awareness Day bezeichnet. Oder einfach FASD DAY. Übersetzt bedeutet dies »FASD-Bewusstheitstag« oder einfach »FASD-Tag«.

In Deutschland heißt der 9. September »Tag des alkoholgeschädigten Kindes«. Und genau das sollten wir schleunigst ändern. Warum?

Lesen sie hier:

#RedShoesRock #FASD #schwanger #alkoholfrei #HappyBabyNoAlc #FetaleAlkoholSpektrumStörung #FetalesAlkoholSyndrom #FASDawareness #FetalAlcoholSpectrumDisorder #NoStigma

Immer am 9. September wird weltweit auf die Fetale Alkoholspektrumstörung (FASD) aufmerksam gemacht – und zwar bereits seit 1999.

FASD ist eine lebenslange Behinderung. Sie entsteht, wenn das Gehirn eines Kindes bereits vor seiner Geburt durch die toxigenen Bestandteile von Alkohol dauerhaft verändert wird.

Im englischsprachigen Raum wird der 9. September als FASD Awareness Day bezeichnet. Oder einfach FASD DAY. Übersetzt bedeutet dies »FASD-Bewusstheitstag« oder einfach »FASD-Tag«.

In Deutschland heißt der 9. September »Tag des alkoholgeschädigten Kindes«. Und genau das sollten wir schleunigst ändern. Warum?

Lesen sie hier:

#RedShoesRock #FASD #schwanger #alkoholfrei #HappyBabyNoAlc #FetaleAlkoholSpektrumStörung #FetalesAlkoholSyndrom #FASDawareness #FetalAlcoholSpectrumDisorder #NoStigma

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Accountants can support people with FASD by offering financial guidance tailored to their unique needs. This includes help with budgeting, tax planning, and financial management. Contribute this FASD Awareness Month by:

➤Familiarising yourself with the Disability Tax Credit 
➤Signing up for a Registered Disability Savings Plan webinar 
➤Supporting charities that support people with FASD

Get more information from canadafasdconference

 #EveryonePlaysAPart #FASDMonth2024 #FASDAwarenessMonth #RedShoesRock #FASDCommunity #FASDCare

Accountants can support people with FASD by offering financial guidance tailored to their unique needs. This includes help with budgeting, tax planning, and financial management. Contribute this FASD Awareness Month by:

➤Familiarising yourself with the Disability Tax Credit
➤Signing up for a Registered Disability Savings Plan webinar
➤Supporting charities that support people with FASD

Get more information from canadafasdconference

#EveryonePlaysAPart #FASDMonth2024 #FASDAwarenessMonth #RedShoesRock #FASDCommunity #FASDCare

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#FASD #FASDadvocate #redshoesrock #disability #awareness #FASDmonth #invisibledisability #parenting #adoption #fosterparents #FASDstrongertogether #canFASD #coachjason #caregiver

#FASD #FASDadvocate #redshoesrock #disability #awareness #FASDmonth #invisibledisability #parenting #adoption #fosterparents #FASDstrongertogether #canFASD #coachjason #caregiver

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#islandFASD #FASD #FASDadvocate #redshoesrock #disability #awareness #FASDmonth #invisibledisability #parenting #adoption #fosterparents #FASDstrongertogether

#islandFASD #FASD #FASDadvocate #redshoesrock #disability #awareness #FASDmonth #invisibledisability #parenting #adoption #fosterparents #FASDstrongertogether

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Make it

From the Big Banana to Bolte Bridge, landmarks and institutions across Australia will light up red this September to raise awareness of FASD.

Check out landmarks lit up near you, take a selfie and share it with us, or on your social media!

Host an event in September 2024

FASD Awareness Month is an opportunity for you to get together with your community to talk about FASD, how to prevent it, and how to support people living with FASD.

Communities across Australia will be hosting events and getting together on 9 September, and throughout the month.

You can find a full calendar of community events, and also submit your own event on the NOFASD website.

Not sure what kind of event to host?

  • Host a park walk or run, where everyone wears red shoes or socks
  • Host a morning tea at work or with friends, featuring red food, and with guests wearing red
  • Do you belong to a sporting team or club? Can you wear red for your games in September?

Remember, starting a conversation about FASD is our goal and we can help you with resources to spark conversation.

Download our
———Supporter Pack